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Dr Alex Hernandez

Dr. Alex Hernandez has a diverse range of experience treating numerous health conditions successfully. As a Chiropractic Biophysics® Technique Practitioner and a Certified Thompson Technique Practitioner, Dr. Alex brings a unique innate understanding to every patient. He is a patient advocate who focuses on a holistic, non-invasive, drug-free approach to good health. Dedicated to natural healing, Dr. Alex Hernandez has developed his own health classes which empowers individuals with the knowledge and tools to live happy and healthy lives.Dr. Alex Hernandez is a longstanding patient of chiropractic himself. He suffered from many migraines as a child and sought chiropractic care. Through chiropractic, his migraines decreased in frequency and intensity and changed his life. He grew up knowing how important it is to help people in pain. Hence, he has dedicated his life to ensure that optimal health is attainable to each and every patient.To Serve, Educate and Empower people with their Health""""Description of my Company: My Company is a state of the art Chiropractic and Acupuncture clinic that offers a variety of services including:Spine Care, Neck pain relief, Back pain relief, Shoulder pain relief, Headaches, Injury care, Car accident injuries, Work related injuries, Sports injuriesHerniated discs, Sciatic pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Spinal stenosis, Radiculopathy, Posture assessments and correction, Scoliosis assessments and correction,Functional improvement with sportsLaser therapy, Wellness care, Preventive careYou can also visit us:http://dralexhernandez.com/https://www.facebook.com/ChiropractorInNorthBergenhttp://www.youtube.com/dralex05Call us : (201) 861-2025

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