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Next March 31st Tagzania will stop working. Be sure to download all your data in your profile view before that date. Thank you for all your support these years.

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Datorren martxoak 31an Tagzania itxiko dugu. Ziurtatu zure datu guztiak deskargatzen dituzula zure profiletik egun hori baino lehen. Eskerrik asko urte guzti hauetako babesagatik.

Esposito's New York and Coal Fired Pizza

We know that delivered pizza often gets stereotyped as being greasy, cheap, and, well, just bad, but this is far from the case. You know the phrase the proof is in the pudding? When it comes to Pizza Davie, the proof is always in the cheese and marinara.When you find a pizzeria you like, call them up and ask if they either offer delivery or takeout. If they say they don’t, tell them that they should because they were your first choice for pizza. And then try somewhere else. It won’t take very long for them to figure out that they need to change with the times in order to sell their product. Coal Fire pizza coming soon!

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esposito'snewyorkandcoalfiredpizza (updated 12 years ago)

lat: 0.0, long: 0.0


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