Tagzania is closing

Next March 31st Tagzania will stop working. Be sure to download all your data in your profile view before that date. Thank you for all your support these years.

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Datorren martxoak 31an Tagzania itxiko dugu. Ziurtatu zure datu guztiak deskargatzen dituzula zure profiletik egun hori baino lehen. Eskerrik asko urte guzti hauetako babesagatik.

Festari for Men

A family-owned concept, Festari for Men is conveniently located on the prestigious Post Oak Boulevard in the Galleria area.  Rudy Festari, a native of Rome, Italy, is known for his distinct sense of style, and along with his many years of fashion experience, is well respected for his knowledge of men’s apparel.His store offers a variety of classic, conservative clothing as well as current ready-to-wear fashions. The finest in men’s made-to-measure lines are also available with a 7-10 day delivery guarantee. Festari for Men’s diverse clientele consists of well known athletes, the elite and established professional, as well as the up and coming businessman.

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coolingcont (updated 8 years ago)

lat: 29.7471571, long: -95.4617257


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