Tagzania is closing

Next March 31st Tagzania will stop working. Be sure to download all your data in your profile view before that date. Thank you for all your support these years.

Tagzania ixtera doa

Datorren martxoak 31an Tagzania itxiko dugu. Ziurtatu zure datu guztiak deskargatzen dituzula zure profiletik egun hori baino lehen. Eskerrik asko urte guzti hauetako babesagatik.

Friends & Family Heating and Air Conditioning

Owner and founder James Stewart started Friends & Family Heating and Air after working in the service industry for 20 years. James noticed that the one thing that seems to be the same with most service companies is that the customer pays a premium for service that a growing number of companies fail to adequately serve. James is bringing old school values back to the HVAC business by prioritizing customer service and putting customers ahead of everything. Every technician is trained with an "as if" mindset, meaning they enter every home "as if" it was the home of their favorite relative. "I won't let anybody into your home that I wouldn't let in my own. Everything that matters most to me in my life is under my roof, and I know it's the same for you." James Stewart, Friends & Family HVAC founder- CSLB#1062577

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papayakingny (updated 5 years ago)

lat: 33.8821933, long: -117.5968569


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