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Next March 31st Tagzania will stop working. Be sure to download all your data in your profile view before that date. Thank you for all your support these years.

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Datorren martxoak 31an Tagzania itxiko dugu. Ziurtatu zure datu guztiak deskargatzen dituzula zure profiletik egun hori baino lehen. Eskerrik asko urte guzti hauetako babesagatik.

FullOut Gym

At FullOut, we want you to get results. To accomplish your goals. To realize your vision. We work with every individual to help make that happen, by putting manageable plans in place to reach them. We focus on quality workouts, ensuring proper form to minimize risk of injury. We show you how to modify workouts to your fitness level, while pushing you to consistently improve. The community we’ve built provides support to get you to the next level.Your peers will cheer you on, stick by you, and give you the extra drive that you didn’t know you had in you. We are a licensed CrossFit affiliate with certified trainers ready to get you moving down the right path. Our experienced team has certifications in several areas including CrossFit, Krav Maga, Personal Training, Injury Prevention and Rehab, amongst others. Drop in to one of our intro classes, and we’ll chat about your goals. Results are right around the corner.

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fulloutgym001 (updated 12 years ago)

lat: 34.0610499, long: -118.3444926


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