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Gastonia Landscaping

Custom Decks, Fencing, Paver Patios and Retaining Walls in the Greater Charlotte North Carolina Area.Scott Pruitt and Manny Vaz have worked together since 2008. Scott is the visionary while Manny is the Master Carpenter that transforms his vision into reality. This is why customers rave about Gastonia Landscaping’s custom decks, fences, patios and retaining walls. These guys treat every project as though they are building it for family and that level of care and pride makes Gastonia Landscaping projects stand out from the crowd. If you want your deck, fence, patio or retaining wall project to look mundane call another company. If you live in and around the Charlotte area and you want a truly custom, unique look for your next project, give Scott a call at

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dnsinvestmentsllc55 (updated 9 years ago)

lat: 35.256278, long: -81.184065


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