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Redondo Oral Surgery - Barry Johnsin DDS & Trent Westernoff DDS

Thank you for your interest in our office. Our goal is to provide the highest standard of personalized Oral Surgery care with your needs in mind. We will be compassionate and caring. At the same time, we trust you will find the atmosphere calming, the staff friendly, and our surgical services exceptional. We value our respected colleagues and previous patients and the confidence they show each time they refer their valued patients, family members and friends to our office."Dr. Johnsin, Dr. Westernoff and the staff stay at the forefront of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and outpatient anesthesia through continuing education courses. Written and visual material will be used at all steps of treatment to aid your understanding of the necessary procedures and recovery. We now use digital x-rays, which now use one half the radiation of conventional x-rays, and are viewed instantly. We have the ability with our computers to enhance, enlarge and even e-mail these x-rays. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have at you visit with us. You can expect to receive a thorough examination and consultation prior to any surgical procedure.We will fully inform you of the details of your or your child's treatment and recovery as well as alternative treatments that may be appropriate to you or your child. You may need to arrange your schedule for adequate recovery. Many procedures can often be done on the same day of the consultation if you wish and are prepared. Emergencies will always be seen as soon as possible. "

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redondooralsurgery (updated 12 years ago)

lat: 33.8176873, long: -118.3855626


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