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Stay Dry Roofing

Beautiful San Pedro has been services by Stay Dry Roofing for 3 Generations owned and operated by owner Javier Garcia. We provide Free Estimates for all San Pedro locals from residential homes, hotels,restaurants, shopping centers , and customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! 24 hours a day and 7 days a week San Pedro emergency roof cover-up services. Leaky Roof? You have come to the right place. Stay Dry Roofing is the leader in San Pedro when it comes to roofing, offering services that will keep you and your property dry. We do quality work at a fair price! 3rd Generation Roofer 16 years experience. State of the art technology and quality services. serving the San Pedro Cost Areas. Stay Dry Roofing provides top quality roofing installation, maintenance and repair services. Building strong relationships has been our key to success. Our mission is to deliver the best possible roof service at the lowest responsible price, on time, safely and with the highest quality to all our customers.

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dnsinvestmentsllc55 (updated 10 years ago)

lat: 33.729135, long: -118.306412


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