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Sunflower field, Battle Road trail, Minute Man National Historic Park

Mark Auslander writes: On 9/19/2009, along this path, we found ourselves surrounded in a meadow of tall sunflowers, some of them five or six feet tall. I had been only dimly aware of the sunflowers a few weeks ago, when we last walked on the trail, but they had rocketed upwards since then, and the meadow was a blaze of yellows in the stunning sunlight of an autumn late afternoon. We found ourselves pondering the various directions the of the flower petals were facing: in the open-most part of the meadow most were facing in the direction of the morning sun, although some smaller plants, whose access to the eastern sun had blocked by the higher stalks, had turned their faces towards the western sun. As the trail turned to run alongside the woods to our right, we saw that the sunflowers to our left had turned their faces away from the woods, towards the more open spaces to the north-west. Peering into the faces of the flowers, we saw bees nestled into the interior, evidently hunkering down in the cold.

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mausland (updated 15 years ago)

lat: 42.4594891846, long: -71.3207477331


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Photos, Videos

  • Sunflower field in Concord MA
  • Sunflower in Concord MA
  • Sunflower field in Concord MA
  • Sunflower and bee in Concord MA