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Tamera - Solar Village

The "Healing Biotope 1 Tamera" in southern Portugal is an international training and experimental site for the development of peace research villages and healing biotopes worldwide. Under the motto "Think Local, Act Global", approx. 150 people live, work and study in Tamera. Tamera´s aim is to build up an example of a pilot model for a nonviolent co-existence of people and between people and nature. The main tasks of Tamera are: the education of young people in the peace study "Monte Cerro", the building up of a village model called “Solar Village” which produces its own food and solar energy, and in the global political network under the name of GRACE.

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khk_dl_no (updated 12 years ago)

lat: 37.7181663513, long: -8.51086330414


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