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Ray Pest Control

Ray Pest Control has helped homeowners in Winston-Salem, Asheboro and Greensboro North Carolina solve pest problems for nearly 40 years. With friendly customer service, affordable pricing, and a money back guarantee, Ray Pest Control has the expertise needed to get the job done accurately and on time. As North Carolina’s premier pest control service, Ray Pest Control can eliminate fire ants, fleas, bed bugs, and cockroaches from any dwelling. Whether living in an apartment building, condo complex, home, or townhouse, Ray Pest Control has the innovative solutions needed to tackle any pest problem. Ray's Pest Control is fully licensed and qualified and also provides exterminator services for businesses of any size. Contact Ray Pest Control today to eliminate mice, rats, or insect pests from your home or business, Fast service, friendly advice and free estimates. Call Ray Pest Control today for more information. (336) 722-1307

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raypest (updated 12 years ago)

lat: 36.078505, long: -80.257924



1. omarwon Commented

Awesome Winston-Salem exterminator. Ray Pest Control provides the best extermination services in the entire Winston-Salem area, and a money back guarantee!

created 12 years ago

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